Maddi zoekt een Appartement / Studio / Kamer in Tilburg

Maddi zoekt: Een Appartement / Studio / Kamer in Tilburg

  • Appartement / Studio / Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 14 Per direct

Hi! I am studying the Master's program in Economics next year at the TiSEM (Tilburg University). I am very sociable, open-minded and looking for an exceptional international experience, as well as getting to know better the Dutch culture! Also, I have already lived 2 years in a shared apartment, so I am familiar with the duties and obligations that one has when sharing a home, as well as of the relevance of bonding with one's roommates.

Algemene informatie: Maddi
  Vrouw, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Economics (HBO)